Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Change an Event to Include Mutiple Golfers

Send out Tee Time Invites to Multiple Golfers

Due to a suggestion from one of our users we added a feature to to add multiple golfers to an event in one fell swoop. When you create and event you paste in a list of golfers e-mail addresses and the invitations are e-mailed to all of them. But previously if you wanted to add another set of golfers you would have to add them one by one which is not ideal.

So we added an "Add a bunch of Golfers" link which gives an interface just like the event creation. You can copy and paste a full list of golfers into this text area. If the golfer was previously invited that e-mail is skipped.

We think this is a great way to add an entire set of new golfers to fill an event, which is especially important when setting up a lot of tee times.

Please enjoy this new feature!

The Team

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